How we avoid pain and how we can feel new
When we close our hearts, we no longer feel pain. But then again, we no longer feel anything... And that is the problem. Because when we...

The Ring of Willingness
The Journey of Initiation starts with taking off all other commitments, and wearing the ring of Willingness. - The Joyful Warrior

Joyfulution Memories..
It's midnight. On the floor of Joyfulution working on...all the 1000 things... and feeling Joyful! There is paint, many colors. There is...

The River of Love
People do not "Fall in Love" with one another. Each steps into the River of Love Always Flowing on their own willing, and, if they are...

Some musings...
Joy requires spontaneity. That is why it is unbidden. Beauty requires stillness. That is why it is waiting. Wisdom requires nurturing....

How long do you morn the loss?
How long do you morn the loss of your own perfection? How much energy do you give your inability to live up to the expectations all...

Life Presents
Life presents opportunities to awaken the warrior within time and time again. Sometimes these opportunities are challenges and tragedies...

A way of seeing the world, Joyfulution
Joyfulution is a way of being. A way of seeing the world, holistically. A way of coming to that which is at the center of my being, from...

We are not born alone
We are not born alone. This is a myth. And one written by many men of wisdom and women of insight. But there is no truth is this...

Alive and glowing
Movement is a reminder to the mind that nothing is ever fixed. Without agility, one experiences aging. Of attitude... of aptitude... of...

Meditate on the Self, Radiant Sutras
Meditate on the Self as being Vast as the sky, A body of energy Extending forever in all directions - Above, below, all around. In the...

Internal Noticing
Bring your awareness into your feet. Feel your feet, from inside your feet. Then feel the ground from the point of consciousness inside...

A Point of Grounding
When you are able to place your awareness within each chakra, an interesting thing happens. You can ask one chakra how another one is...

Lessons in Learning How to See
OK. Let's get those Chakras talking a bit more! Here is how you do this with a friend... Start with your feet. So if you're just joining...